Thursday, May 14, 2020

Let's Dance!

Let’s Dance to the End of Everything
the final cries of a Social Generation
as we begin an age of isolation
our skins still soft and Begging
to be touched
our lips our lips
our fleshy selves pulsing
to the desire for Contact
our fleshy selves
the softer parts
not Studyin War the gentle parts
demanding Peace
tender but resolute

Let’s Dance
imagining the soft collision of Bodies
a Crush of other selves
awash in music
twisting and spinning in the Waves
the Waves
Leaps of Faith
Injustice Rules, wherefore then Faith?
it Is in Human Nature to Hope
(… springs eternal for a Reason
yes it does!)
there are Always those
who Believe in a Just and Conscious Future
a Time of Love Among BeingKind
that was after all
the message of Jesus the Christ

and So we still keep
writing dancing making music painting
still keep doing Art even in Desolation
the Cold and Dreadful Frozen Starved
or the Broiling Skin-Popping Crispy Critters
the End Result of unfiltered sunlight on the surface
Dig Deep
Dig Deep
is that the only way to Come Together
in the Mines?
tunnel down down
down through mycelium mast and mould
through foetid dank and loamy Earth
Soaked with punishing rains
(not punishment for the living beings anchored in the soil
they Belong)
it’s We who are the Secret
the Unnamed
the Uninvited
the Storm Troopers taking Over all the habitat
and killing land and sky
destroying Water
poisoning the Wells of Kindness Strength and Mercy
in pursuit of Mammon

can we Live without Sunlight under ground
away from a Sun now Deadly
sneak up-surface twice a month
for Ceremony Moon Tide
mångata the mystic path
North to Moon
through ether to the Mother
to disappear in Welcoming Arms

And it Really Was a Game
Congratulations All Around and Thanks
just those of US who Thought it was Life left hanging
w our jaws scraping the tarmac
No Way as even ones we Trusted Most
began to High Five and Celebrate
the ascendance of one who’s Less
So Much Less than what was Dreamed
and those Pragmatic sunzabitches
Insist there’s nowhere else to go
I Beg to Differ

Let’s Dance!
for Children whose memories
are Locked Away
for elders waiting withering wanting
Touch Denied
Let’s Dance!  
for a planet pulsing to new life
in spite of All
for the End of the Road in Sight
for all the Love we forgot to give
for all the Laughter at the cosmic joke
Let’s Dance!

© 2020 pamela twining

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