Tuesday, December 18, 2012

suffer the children

i remember a quiet kid
a soft-spoken young man
sitting by the door
as if waiting to escape
to drift like smoke into the atmosphere
disperse unremarked
into the oblivion of years

no one knew him
least of all his mom
he liked it that way
life unfolded
sufficient unto the day
but, o!
sometimes he must have felt

or is that just
a neurotypical assumption?
maybe the world was grey
like prozac dreams
maybe the ocean’s roar
and maelstrom
filled his waking mind
maybe sleep eluded him
for endless days and nights
rat race wheels of nightmare
loops of disappointment
taunts and snubs

where was the edge of the cliff
nobody saw?
lost in mists of preconception
preoccupation boredom
lack of caring
the rocks kicked loose
kicked loose
began to tumble down the Steep
rumbling avalanche
a crashing downpour
unstoppable now

did he wake up that day
just Knowing it was Time?
or were all the weapons loaded
placed lovingly in cases
awaiting their awful destiny
clean bright
and ready to serve

the sense of hand upon cold steel
no questions here
the ritual of preparation
oil and cloth and load
always the same
comforting and holy
like prayer
the sharp scent of striving
for something
even to himself

such a short journey
from idea to action
no time
for those who had never Seen him
to recognize his fell intent
no time
for the lovingly nurtured butterflies
to fly away home
no time
for the last prayers of innocence
to pass the lips
of those whose breath
would not come forth again

and in the end
no time for him
whose story was never told
a boy whom no one knew
yet all will remember
the name
written in the indelible stains
of infant blood upon the floor
the empty beds unopened presents
unanswered calls
before the memory floods in
of all the uninhabited futures
to come

© 2012 pamela twining


  1. You are amazing with words! Tears in my eyes and ache in my heart... Such a tragedy

  2. Hi Pamela- I am also a poet, and love your work. I feel as though we could have a lot to talk about, or words to share... I would like to be your "pen pal" of sorts. I know this is strange, but I came upon your comment on Gregory Corso's reading of "elegiac Feelings American", and felt compelled to see who you were and if you were a poet, and indeed, you are! My name is Lauren, and you can email me at l.antrosiglio@gmail.com if you wish! Peace-
