art: Lucas Cranach , the Elder "Judith w the head of Holofernes"
For al that I am ne frere ne clerke
And what have I to do with poesie,
Unlearned I, as fair Alis of Bathe
Yet sooth it seems in swych a wyse
As she, so also I,
For she that wiste no thing, coude al.
If the devil mocketh Holy Writ
Tis the wys wyf may understand
And take it for her own, and this
By experience, tho this be her dampnacionn.
It is the words themselves
And the ideas of wych they be the goste
And ne the marks upon the paper
That sacred be.
For this she recketh, tho the leves be brynned
And written lies are thus gone up in smoke
The pow’r of the word is present still
And she that struck the fyr hath it y-clept.
Verrily, it seemeth so, pardee
For bye swych action geyns she sovereintee.
© 1989 pamela twining
this poem came to me in a Vision when i had gone Deep Within to comprehend the lives of women in the Middle Ages... after reading "The Wife of Bath's Tale" (Chaucer 14th c), i fell into a kind of Trance and wrote this... in such language & spelling as came to me...