Friday, October 8, 2010

ghost light

the air smells so sweet

wandering alone in a darkened forest

and no moon to light the way

lured by that song

that siren song

into the dense undergrowth

lost forever on the shifting paths

of this magick place between worlds

and outside of time

i had a dream

you were there

and calling to me, reaching out

i couldn’t cross that endless space

you seemed so close and yet

your words kept getting lost

in the winds of generations

i had a dream

and in my dream your music was for me

your heart was open to my touch

your spirit healed by the songs we shared

and there was no space between us


in the darkness of this moonless starless night

a flickering ghostly light dances ahead

will o the wisp

in the old stories those who followed

were seen no more in this world

i think it was your spirit light

beckoning from another place another time

our secret place

an eternal ecstatic moment

in a time that never was

i had a dream

that you held me and loved me

and my tears became the stars to light the way


© 2010 pamela twining

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