Saturday, April 22, 2023
Friday, March 3, 2023
Water Music
I smell water the scent as it pours lightly but urgently, silvery, cold iron-y, wistfully yet unforgivingly from the sky onto untouched snowfields pristine expanses of sparkling Whiteness dimmed a bit by grey the rain just awaiting Sun to burst forth and set Brilliant Diamonds Blazing Flashing ice-sheathed blades of tall winter grasses, autumn-dried flowerheads faithfully encased in perfect ice jackets & slips reflecting rainbows (rainbeaux) in this newborn sun day morning
I I smell water the kinda funky odor like someone left the clothes in the washer too long not Foul but not Just Right either I smell the smell of others’ laziness & disillusion an apathy anomie divorcement from the crew the gang of us the gang of US the generations now inhabiting this Mother this Earth how do you care for her with her tired eyes and her dumpy out of date dress how do you care for her no mani-pedis for Mom her chafed & reddened hands, the hard dried skin of her feet, flakiness of arms legs, her lonely back is itching fit to Bust! how do you treat the Source of You? the Reason you’re around to share the air with less obnoxious souls? she didn’t scrape you out didn’t toss you still connected to the cord into a frozen back alley dumpster in a plastic bag in the middle of a night that was too Nasty even for hookers & murderers, no passing ears to hear faint cries and so put Paid to that tiny uncared for account
I I smell water that Crazy Blessing after traversing an expanse of desert so inhuman so unWatered so arid unpopulated unable to support even the smallest plants I smell Water! of which I haven’t tasted in long enough that I was pretty sure I’s Dead Three Days and my Dance has led me over this inhospitable place that hurries me onward ever onward - Go Go Go Get Outta Heah! oh No you may Not stay for even an hour a minute! each ticking second is a detraction from your Life No Go On! it’s Necessary for you to seek that which alone sustains the crux the base of Life
the clear the pure the fresh a scent unlike Any Other describe it if you can a
horse an elephant or a dog can smell it from a Distance especially when
deprived for long enough there’s a particular Crispness Sweetness to air
verging on water a clean lambent welcoming smell saying This. Is. Home. and
then you dunk your Face into the pool and Suck Inhale Encompass All That Water
(not so Fast, y’ll get sick! See? Toldja!) and do it Again!